Quoi de neuf chez Just Tactics ? ;)

Jordan Brock (aka carnator) m’a encore écrit pour nous apporter des nouvelles de son jeu Just Tactics, je me fais une nouvelle fois le relais de ses 2 messages : le 1er concerne la fête des mères mais aussi une invitation pour jouer avec lui si vous le souhaitez (2 liens youtube sont joints, vous y entendrez et verrez Jordan Brock à l’oeuvre),  le second concerne l’entrée de Just Tactics sur Steam Greenlight.

N’hésitez pas à encourager les jeux Linux.

Bon week end à tous.


1er mail reçu :

Hi goupildb,
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there.  I am happy that I was able to make my mom some delicious pancakes for brunch.  Love you mom.  Now I am back to business as usual.  I’ll be on the Just Tactics client until midnight (EST).  If you want to play a competitive match, let me try and teach you how to play, or just chat, send a message to ‘carnator’ on the chat client.

If you just want to watch and not play, here is a competitive, and somewhat instructive, match I played against my arch nemesis ‘justin’ the other day.

‘astromarine’ posted a video on his youtube channel of a match we played in which I am teaching him how to play.


-Jordan ‘carnator’ Brock


Second mail reçu :

Hi goupildb,

We just put Just Tactics on Steam Greenlight.  Steam is an awesome and trusted platform.  Getting Just Tactics onto Steam would be huge for us.  If you use Steam, please take the time to upvote us.

And spread the word!


-Jordan ‘carnator’ Brock





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